Venue: Shanghai, China
Date: 16-20 Oct. 2023
Plenary talks (subject to updating)

Invited speakers:

Jenny Stavrakou, Royal Belgian Institute for Space Aeronomy (BIRA-IASB)

Presentation Title: Lessons learnt and future prospects in air quality, emissions and chemical climate research

Xiaoye Zhang, Chinese Academy of Meteorological Sciences

Presentation title: Some Reflections on Chemical Weather Numerical Forecasting Research: An Example of the Development of the CMA Chemical Weather System.

Invited speakers:

Lidia Morawska, International Air Quality and Health Laboratory (Online)

Presentation title: Air Quality and Public Health: how to  “close this discussion”

Tong Zhu, Peking University

Presentation Title: Maximizing the Health Benefits of Air Pollution Control and Climate Change Mitigation

Invited speakers:

Greg Carmichael, University of Iowa/WMO Global Atmospheric Watch Program

Presentation title: Advancing Atmospheric Composition Analysis and Predictions and Related Services to Meet the Growing Societal Needs

Tao Wang, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Presentation title: Towards the development of climate-friendly and sustainable cities: critical issues and strategies

Invited speakers:

Markku Kulmala, University of Helsinki, Finland (Online)

Presentation title: TBD

Kebin He, Tsinghua University

Presentation title: Development and application of multi-resolution global carbon emission database

Sessions (subject to updating)

Description: Focusing on the critical issues and recommendations on emissions and physical-chemical transformations of atmospheric components:

1) Measurement of emissions and development of inventories

2) Understanding atmospheric transformations and their impacts

3) Identifying emission reduction strategies


Greg Carmichael, University of Iowa/WMO Global Atmospheric Observing Program

Lin Wang, Fudan University


Defeng Zhao, Fudan University

Bo Yao, Fudan University

Yele Sun, Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences

Xinlei Ge, Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology

Meng Gao, Hong Kong Baptist University

Invited Speakers: (to be updated)

Description: Focusing on the critical issues and recommendations on simulation and forecasting of chemical weather/climate and its impacts:

1) Improving modeling capabilities;

2) Forecasting extreme events;

3) Assessing impacts on ecosystems and human health.


Zhanqing Li, University of Maryland

Qiang Zhang, Tsinghua University


Peng Wang, Fudan University

Yan Zhang, Fudan University

Yuchao Gao, Fudan University

Xin Huang, Nanjing University

Jianlin Hu, Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology

Invited Speakers: (to be updated)

Description: Focusing on the critical issues and recommendations on environmental and health impact of air quality, climate change, and weather/climate extremes:

1) Assessing health risks of air pollution, climate change

2) Vulnerability and adaptation

3) Ecosystem Impact of extreme weather/climate


Mu Mu, Fudan University

Gunter Schumann, Charetti Medical University/Fudan University


Wen Zhou, Fudan University

Xiaoyan Wang, MAP-AQ Asian Regional Office

Jicheng Gong, Peking University

Siyu Chen, Lanzhou University

Feng Zhang, Fudan University

Invited Speakers: (to be updated)

Description: Focusing on the critical issues and recommendations on strategies for reducing inequities:

1) Environmental justice;

2) Access to clean air and climate services

3) Multi-stakeholder participation and decision-making


Huadong Guo,Aerospace Information Research Institute,Chinese Academy of Sciences

Hartmut Herrmann, Leibniz Institute for Tropospheric Research, Leibniz, Germany


Renjie Chen, Fudan University

Ruwei Hu, Sun Yat-Sen University

Wei Xia, Huazhong University of Science and Technology

Syarif Mochammad Romadhon, BRIN, Indonesia;

Sri Kota, Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi

Invited Speakers: (to be updated)

Description: Focusing on the critical issues and recommendations on towards mitigation and adaptation to environmental changes:

1) Science-based mitigation strategies;

2) Nature-based adaptation measures;

3) Synergies and trade-offs.


Shiro Hatakeyama, Asian Center for Air Pollution Research (ACAP)

Gang Yan, Environmental Planning Institute, Ministry of Ecology and Environment


Zhiyan Zuo, Fudan University

Guoxing Chen, Fudan University

Yuqiang Zhang, Shandong University

Jianzhong Xu, Northwest Institute of Eco-Environment and Resources, Chinese Academy of Sciences

Xue Qiao, Sichuan University

Invited Speakers: (to be updated)

Description: Focusing on the critical issues and recommendations on towards the development of climate-smart and sustainable cities:

1) Urban simulation and planning

2) Low-carbon urban development

3) Resilient urban systems


Alexander Baklanov, World Meteorological Organization

Tao Wang, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University


Jiacan Yuan, Fudan University

Likun Xue, Shandong University

Yanli Zhang, Guangzhou Institute of Geochemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences

Xu Yue, Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology

Yupeng Wang, Xi'an Jiaotong University

Invited Speakers: (to be updated)

Description: Round-table discussion and advocacy on the coordinated pathways for climate-environment-health governance

1) Understanding the inter-connectivity between climate change, atmospheric environment, and public health;

2) Identifying risks and vulnerabilities;

3) Analyzing the current governance structure;

4) Developing coordinated approaches and specific strategies for coordinated governance;

5) Considering equity and social justice; and address implementation challenges.


Tong Zhu, Peking University

Ho Kim, Seoul National University


Haidong Kan, Fudan University

Wenjia Cai, Tsinghua University

Lei Huang, Nanjing University

Tao Xue, Peking University

Guofeng Shen, Peking University

Invited Speakers: (to be updated)

Description: Round-table discussion and advocacy on Coordinated pathways for Climate Change, Atmospheric Environment, and Carbon Neutrality.

1) Climate change impacts and the need for coordinated action

2) Mitigation strategies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions

3) Technology innovation and deployment to achieve carbon neutrality

4) Financing and investment

5) International cooperation and public participation

6) Public engagement and awareness for achieving carbon neutrality.


Kebin He , Tsinghua University

Representative of the Asia-Pacific Regional Secretariat of the UNEP


Weiqiang Chen, Institute of Urban Environment, Chinese Academy of Sciences

Rong Wang, Fudan University

Zhaowu Yu, Fudan University

Zhongde Dai, Sichuan University

Wendong Wei, Shanghai Jiao Tong University

Panelist Members: (to be updated)

Description: Round-table discussion and advocacy on Global partnership on risk inter-connectivity and governance on climate change, weather/climate extremes, atmospheric environment and public health, major issues include:

1) The need for understanding the impacts of climate change on public health, including the spread of diseases, mental health impacts, and food and water security;

2) The need for early warning systems and disaster risk reduction measures to mitigate the impacts of weather and climate-related hazards;

3) The role of businesses and the private sector in addressing climate change and reducing their carbon footprint;

4) The importance of investing in renewable energy and energy efficiency to reduce greenhouse gas emissions;

5) The need for international cooperation and partnerships to address these complex and interconnected issues.


Qunli Han: IRDR


UNEP representative


Hongliang Zhang, Fudan University

Fang Lian, IRDR-IPO

Jue Liu, Peking University

Xiaoling Zhang, City University of Hong Kong

Wei Wan, Asia Clean Air Center

Kai Meng, Elsevier Press

Panelist Members: (to be updated)


Yijun Zhang,Fudan University

Liwu Zhang,Fudan University


Xiaoyan Wang, MAP-AQ Asian Regional Office

Huiling Ouyang, Fudan IRDR International Centre of Excellence

Dan Li, Fudan University

Lei Yao, Fudan University

Poster Size: 90 cm (width) × 120 cm (height). Please print by yourself and bring to the conference